Locate and select funding opportunity
Review funding opportunity
Reviewing a funding announcement guide
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ERA, pre-award forms, RA SharePoint, e-business and system access
- ERA proposals
- ERA funding proposal guide
- ERA current and pending tool
- RA information about systems access
- E-business (RA) SharePoint
- RA SharePoint home page
- ASU at-fisk request form
- F&A waiver request form
- Investigator and/or allocation changes
- New ERA unit request
Rush proposal protocol
For rush proposals (due that day) or other urgent proposal matters, please contact Sarah Gates at 480-727-3745 or Amber Martin at 480-727-4625. Sarah/Amber will confirm that resources and time are dedicated to the needed actions.
Administrative information
- Standard institutional information
- F&A rate agreement
- Tax exempt letter
- Single audit reports
- ASU accreditation letter
- NIH institutional training grants letter
- ASU FDP information page
- ASU HSI designation letter from DOEd
ASU Foundation
- About ASU Foundation
- Working with ASUF (charitable grants)
- ASU Foundation institutional information sheet (found under the Proposal Resources section)
- F&A rate memorandum – ASUF
Budget building information
- ERA budgets guide
- Salaries, wages, ERE
- Other direct costs (alphabetical)
- Facilities and administrative costs
- Hourly rates proposal development
- Budget justification best practices
- ASU expenditure codes
- Capital equipment
- Fellowships
- Foreign travel
- Participant support costs
- Research experiences for undergraduates
- Conducting business internationally
- Consultant letter of commitment
- Cost accounting standards
- Cost sharing
- 2 CFR 200 (uniform guidance)
- 2 CFR 200 (uniform guidance) – FAQ
- Program income
- Request for execution of certificate of current cost or pricing data job aid
- Subawards
- Transfer of sponsored projects to ASU
Pre-ERA planning tools
- Allocations: REC/RID/IIA
- Proposal Budget Development (Budget Worksheet)
- Budget worksheet guide
- Era budget summarizer
- Graduate student cost calculators
- Pre-award danger pay calculator
Federal sponsor portal registration job aid
- Research Academy (ASU login required)
- Data management plan
- Facilities language
- Guide to drafting a scope of work
- Proposal writing short course on seeking charitable grant funds
- Export control
- ASU core research facilities
- Space planning
Federal-wide research terms and conditions
Related ASU work Instructions
- WI-DP-01 (Review a FOA)
- WI-DP-02 (Determine proposal type)
- WI-DP-03 (Prepare proposal checklist)
- WI-DP-04 (Create/route FP)
- WI-DP-05 (Craft Technical Proposal)
- WI-DP-06 (Complete Proposal)
- WI-DP-07 (Review Final Proposal)
- WI-DP-08 (Request Proposal Submission)
- WI-DP-09 (Cancel Proposal Submission)
What is this?
Distinguishing sponsored projects from fee for service activities
ASU policies (proposal development)
100 General
101 General research policy
102 Principal investigator eligibility
103 Principal investigator responsibilities
106 Allocation of recognition, research incentive distribution, and investigator incentive awards
107 Lead unit identification and responsibilities
200 Compliance
201 Human subjects in research
202 Care and use of laboratory animals
203 Radiation safety in research and teaching
204 Hazardous waste management
205 Biosafety
206 Objectivity in research—disclosure of financial interests and management of conflicts of interest
207 Standards for scientific diving
210 Misconduct in research
214 Export control
300 Proposal
301 Limited submission of proposals
302 Proposal processing and submission
303 Proposal budget preparation
502 Personnel
502–01 Personnel employed on sponsored projects
503 Purchasing
503–03 Consultants, guest lecturers, and other professional services for sponsored projects
503–05 Subcontracts/subaward agreements
504 Travel
504–01 Sponsored projects travel for asu employees
504–04 Conference registration costs for asu employees on sponsored projects
504–05 Sponsored project travel and related costs (non-asu employees)
506 Sponsored project finances
506–03 Cost sharing documentation for sponsored projects
508 Facilities and administration
508–01 Charging direct and facilities and administrative costs to sponsored projects
508–02 Facilities and administrative costs