Home | Process | Develop Proposal | Cancel proposal submission

Responsibility: Unit-PI
Prepared by: RAS
Work Instruction Number: WI-DP-09


Cancelling an FP that will not be submitted closes the ERA system’s records on the proposal in cases where

  1. The PI has decided to defer or
  2. The PI will not otherwise pursue submission of the proposal
  3. The FP site was not needed (e.g., determination that the project will not need to be managed by ORSPA).

Cancellation signals that no further action is needed.

PI – Principal Investigator

FP – Funding Proposal

ORSPA – Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Administration

ERA – Enterprise Research Administration

RA – Research Advancement Administrator

PNT – Proposal and Negotiation Team

ASU – Arizona State University

For definitions, see Sponsored Projects Definitions

Cancel proposal submission

1. PI will notify RA that he/she has decided not to submit the proposal or it is determined that the project will not be ORSPA managed.

2. RA will press the “Cancel Proposal” button under My Actions in ERA.

3. RA will provide a reason for cancelling the proposal in the text box

4. Once cancelled, this cannot be undone. FP site will have the status of “Voided Proposal”.