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About ERA

ASU’s Enterprise Research Administration system provides an integrated platform to manage research and sponsored projects. This system centralizes proposal development, award management, and research compliance activities, streamlining processes and reducing the administrative workload and regulatory risk associated with externally funded projects.

ERA Access

  • ASU Employees (Faculty, Staff and Student Workers):
    Submit access and role requests or report login issues through ServiceNow ERA > ERA Account Support.
  • ASU Affiliates (Students, Emeritus or Adjunct Faculty, and Other Affiliates):
    Affiliates not employed by ASU use the ASU Affiliate Account Support Form.

General Questions & How-To Support

Faculty and Researchers:

Research Administrators:

Technical Support for Issues or Bugs in ERA

  • ASU Employees (Faculty, Staff and Student Workers):
    If ERA is not working correctly or you need other technical assistance, submit a request for support through ServiceNow ERA > ERA Technical Support & Maintenance.
  • ASU Affiliates (Students, Emeritus or Adjunct Faculty, and Other Affiliates):
    Affiliates not employed by ASU use the ASU Affiliate General Help Request form.

Manage Organizations and People: Add or Update External Entities, Units, and PI Research Departments in ERA

Have Ideas to Improve ERA?

Submit ERA System suggestions for enhancing ERA’s functionality and usability directly to the ERA Suggestion Box.

Logo for the Enterprise Research Administration - ERA

ERA (requires ASURITE login)

ERA Training Server

ERA Proposals information and resources

Current & Pending Tool information and resources

ERA Awards information and resources

ERA Agreements information and resources

ERA system status

ERA maintenance is scheduled the third Saturday of each month, 3:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Arizona Time.