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This page includes some of the more frequently accessed documents on our site.
- Tip: To find a specific document – press CTRL+F on your keyboard, locate the “Find” box, and enter your keyword to search the page.
Add non-employee to ERA
Word version of the template for requesting to add non-employee to ER
Additional pay form 310
PDF version of the ORSPA additional pay form. Required for additional pay in excess of Institutional Base Salary (IBS) on a sponsored project.
Annual subrecipient certification
This form is for use in annual subrecipient certification.
Pre-award at-risk request form
This form is used during pre-award to request an account to allow work to begin in a timely manner pending receipt of the official award.
ASU invoice consortium template
For use with consortium memberships.
Award change request budget template
Budget Template required for Award Change Requests that include budget changes, post-award at-risks and/or creation of new accounts.
Budget reconciliation checklist
The checklist outlines the steps to reconciling a sponsored project budget.
Certification of exception to Fly America Act
This form is a statement executed by the traveler justifying the use of a foreign flag air carrier for travel charged to a federally funded sponsored project.
Consultant letter of commitment
Letter from consultant committing to provide services to an ASU sponsored project.
Cost/price analysis and sole source justification form – under 100K
This form must be completed by the ASU PI when proposing a subaward for a sponsored research project.
Cost/price analysis form – commercial or international subrecipients -over 100K
This form must be completed by the ASU PI when proposing a subaward for a sponsored research project.
Cost/price analysis form – U.S. university or non-profit subrecipients – over 100K
This form must be completed by the ASU PI when proposing a subaward for a sponsored research project.
Cost sharing requirement form
This form is used to effectively collect, retain and manage required cost share commitments.
Departmental input receipt_spn
To be used to deposit sponsored checks received at downtown, polytechnic, and west campus departments.
Documenting interrelated projects form
ORSPA 320 documents the University’s compliance with the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) and OMB Circular A-21 for allocating costs between interrelated projects supported by multiple Federal awards.
F&A waiver request form
This is a KE form for requesting an F&A waiver.
Fixed price residual distribution form
This form is used by ORSPA during the closeout process to gather details to determine how a large fixed price residual balance of greater than or equal to $100,000 or 20% of the award obligated amount total will be distributed.
Job aid template
A Word template to be used to create job aids and other reference documents for the the site.
Journal bulk import – ORSPA EIB
This form is used for uploading sponsored journals with 25 lines or more into Workday. To access this link, right-click and click either save link as or save target as.
KE trips form
Link to the funding webpage about travel of research investigators to potential sponsors.
Letter of collaboration
A Word template to be used for letters of collaboration.
New account application form
Link to the financial services forms webpage. This form is near the top of the page.
New ERA external organization request
The new ERA external organization request template has been replaced with an ERA SmartForm. For instructions, see ERA external organization request (scroll down).
New ERA unit request
Word version of the template for requesting the addition of a new unit to ERA.
Non-payroll cost transfer request – (CTR) ORSPA 510
Form for requesting non-payroll cost transfers.
Off-campus rate calculator
Tool to demonstrate that a sponsored project qualifies for the off-campus F&A rate.
Payroll redistribution form and instructions
Links to the financial services forms page. These documents are near the bottom of the page.
Purchase request reimbursement form
Sample of a purchase request / reimbursement form that units may find useful. It is not required. However, documentation must adhere to campus policies and requirements.
Request for contributed effort setup in ERS
An email template for the RA’s to use when requesting a change to contributed effort commitments.
Sole Source Justification – over 100K
Subrecipient commitment form
A form used to obtain and document commitment from subrecipient.
Subrecipient letter of commitment
Letter from subrecipient committing to collaborate with ASU on a sponsored project.
Third party cost sharing certification memo
This form is to obtain required information from a third party that is contributing to cost sharing.