Find Contacts

Unit RA Contacts

Visit the Award and Proposal Contacts by Department report* (ASUrite login) to identify unit Pre-Award (proposal support) and unit Post-Award (financial administration) contacts.

*Tableau reports require additional access. ASU employees, please email [email protected] to request access. 

Note: ASU Unit staff with research administration responsibilities are referred to as “Research Advancement Administrators (RAs)”.

Post-Award RA Lookup Tool

To find Post-Award RA Contacts, begin typing the unit name in the below search box. A dropdown list will appear for you to choose from. Select the unit name to get results:


  • If you are experiencing difficulty, try limiting input to a partial keyword from the unit title.
  • If you are still unable to locate a unit, please contact [email protected].

See Award Management Team Directory for additional contacts and information related to central Post-Award Services.

Unit Data Updates

Each unit may have up to two staff members with the ERA Unit Administrator role, allowing them to update unit information in the ERA Master Store. A list of current ERA Unit Administrators can be viewed by ASU personnel. See ERA Unit Administrator Guide for more information.