Items are color-coded as to who is responsible. Maroon for ORSPA responsibilities, Gold for Unit responsibilities, and Grey for PI responsibilities that cannot be delegated to RA staff.
• ORSPA • Unit • PI
It begins with proposal review and submittal leading to post submittal communication and resolving space issues, ending in negotiations and contract agreements
View flowchart
1. Review Proposal WI-SN-10 •
This work instruction contains the following sections:
- Review preliminary proposals
- Proposal assignment
- Specific requirements
- Representations and certifications
- Signatures
- Review proposals
- Submit proposals
- Process small/disadvantaged business subcontracting plan
- Proposal terms and conditions review
2. Post submission actions WI-SN-40 ••
ERA is ASU’s official system of record for submitted funding proposals. To the extent possible, Funding Proposal sites (FPs) in ERA should match the information the sponsor has received. It is important to note that sometimes changes to the FP might be required after a proposal is already in the “Submitted – Pending Sponsor Acceptance” state. If RAs need to make changes in ERA to a submitted proposal, there are two activities that can be run in ERA:
- SPONSOR CHANGE REQUESTED – This option is used when responding to a Sponsor request to make changes to the proposal. This option is also used for PI-initiated requested that will need to be reviewed/endorsed by a Proposal GCO and submitted to the sponsor for consideration prior to award.
- ASU POST SUBMISSION CHANGE REQUESTED – This option is used when responding to a PI/Unit’s request to make internal changes to the FP which will not be reviewed/endorsed by a Proposal GCO and will not be submitted to the sponsor for consideration prior to award (i.e. change in Lead Financial Unit, changes to Investigator Allocations, etc.)
3. Agreements task request WI-SN-60 ••
This Work Instruction provides guidance for requesting a task for an incoming award, subaward, or agreement that will require review and negotiation by Proposals and Negotiations Team (PNT) or by Industry Agreements Group (IAG).
4. Task assignment WI-SN-65 •
5. Negotiations WI-SN-70 •
This work instruction contains the following sections:
- Agreement Verification
- Subaward Verification
- Agreement Negotiation
- Business Decisions
6. Execute and distribute WI-SN-75 •
This work instruction contains the following sections:
- Signature Process
- Agreement Finalization & Distribution
- Subaward Finalization & Distribution
Proposal closeout WI-SN-53 ••
This work instruction contains the following sections:
- RA responsibilities when a not funded notification for a proposal is received by the PI or RA
- Pre-Award responsibilities when a not funded notification is received
- 18 Month close-out steps