Items are color-coded as to who is responsible. Maroon for ORSPA responsibilities, Gold for Unit responsibilities, and Grey for PI responsibilities that cannot be delegated to RA staff.
• ORSPA • Unit • PI
This step addresses the details of developing, negotiating and issuing subawards.
View flowchart
1. Notification to subawards WI-MS-01 •
This work instruction contains the following sections:
- Types of subaward notifications
- Notifications to Subawards
- Assignment of Subaward Task
2. Unit subaward management WI-MS-10 ••
- Request new subaward
- Subaward account set up
- Monitor subaward progress and invoicing
- Closeout subaward
3. Issuance of new subaward WI-MS-30 •
- Verification of new subaward request
- Negotiation of new subaward
4. Execute and distribute WI-MS-60 •
- Prepare agreement for signature
- Distribute agreement
- Purchasing approval
5. Subrecipient Monitoring WI-MS-70 •
- Monitoring for 2 CFR 200 (Uniform Guidance) Audit Compliance
- Monitoring for FFATA
6. Invoicing WI-MS-80 •
To document the process for receiving, reviewing, and processing subaward invoices.
7. Modifications WI-MS-100 •
- Types of modifications
- Issuance of modification
- Execute and distribute modification
Termination and closeout WI-MS-110
This work instruction contains the following sections:
- Notification of Closeout or Termination
- Prepare and Send Closeout Documents
- Review Signed Closeout Documents
- Close Subaward Purchase Order