Reconcile project

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Account reconciliation

Why is reconciliation required?

It is a second opportunity to ensure that expenditures were charged correctly and in compliance with all sponsor regulations and ASU policies. Learn more

What’s needed to perform a reconciliation?

It is a second opportunity to ensure that expenditures were charged correctly and in compliance with all sponsor regulations and ASU policies. Learn more

What tools are available to assist with sponsored projects reconciliation?

Provides a budget reconciliation checklist which units may use as a guide in setting up a unit specific process. Learn more

What if errors are found during reconciliation?

Provides direction on processes to follow in the event of the need for a correction – both for payroll and non-payroll expenses. Learn more

Work instructions

Manage subawards

WI-MS-01  (Notification to subawards)

WI-MS-10  (Unit subaward management)

WI-MS-30  (Issuances of new subaward)

WI-MS-60  (Execute and distribute)

WI-MS-70  (Subrecipient monitoring)

WI-MS-80  (Invoicing)

WI-MS-100 (Modifications)

WI-MS-110 (Termination and closeouts)


502–03 Certification of sponsored project effort

508–01 Charging direct and facilities and administrative costs to sponsored projects

508–02 Facilities and administrative costs

509–02 Reports and deliverables from sponsored projects

Tools and information

ASU financial information

Graduate student cost calculators

My reports


RA/TA tuition remission and rates

Topical guides

Capital equipment



Foreign travel

Participant support costs

Program income

Subrecipient vs vendor/contractor vs consultant


Budget reconciliation checklist

The checklist outlines the steps to reconciling a sponsored project budget.

Certification of exception to Fly America Act

This form is a statement executed by the traveler justifying the use of a foreign flag air carrier for travel charged to a federally-funded sponsored project

Departmental input receipt_spn

To be used to deposit sponsored checks received at Downtown, Polytechnic, and West campus departments

Investigator and/or allocation changes

Used to gather approvals for investigator/allocation changes on existing awards

Nonpayroll cost transfer request ORSPA 510

Form for requesting nonpayroll cost transfers.

Payroll redistribution form and instructions

Forms on ASU Financial Services.

Third-party cost sharing certification memo

This form is to obtain required information from a third party that is contributing to cost sharing

Other references

2 CFR 200 (Uniform Guidance)

After-The-Fact Review Report

Cost accounting standards

Cost sharing

Cost transfers

Facilities and administrative costs

Financial accountability


Working with ASU Foundation