Life cycle of a sponsored project award
Audit readiness
- Post-submission tasks
- Set up project
- Process expenses
- Monitor project
- Reconcile project
- Close out project
- Retain records
Post-award management of a sponsored project award is as important as the writing which went into making the proposal a success. This sitelet is dedicated to providing information about special considerations and handling where sponsored funds are involved.
The sitelet is not a substitute for learning the basic accounting and underlying skills associated with making, monitoring, and reconciling expenditures. Individuals coming in as Post-award RAs or ORSPA AMT staff need to make arrangements through their supervisors to learn how to complete transactions using the Financial Services policies and the ASU Systems.
Financial Services provides many sources of training, both written and in person. Links are provided to these resources within the sitelet. For assistance with learning how to use KE specific systems such as ERA and SharePoint, please contact [email protected].
Other resources available to post-award RAs and ORSPA personnel are the:
- Acronyms and glossary
- Research Administration work instructions
- Key topics and topical guides on the Research Administration site
- Research Operations news
- Monthly RA seminars
- Training toolbox
- [email protected]
Site organization
The site addresses the life cycle of a sponsored project award beginning with post submission actions and ending with record retention. Each tab has a brief description of the topics of discussion along with forms and links to resource materials.