Overarching responsibilities for Research Operations and units, regardless of process.
Research Operations
- Serve as liaison to sponsor
- Serve as liaison for audits
- Monitor mailboxes:
- Provide notifications to unit
- Approve requests for sponsored project requests from unit
- Serve as liaison to ResOps for PI
- Monitor unit awards mailbox
- Respond to request from ResOps
- Request sponsored project approvals from ResOps
Set up award
Review of the award notice, establishment a project plan, and activation of the award.
Research Operations
- Award verification
- Create account in financial system
- Enter award in ERA
- Establish storage folder structure in SharePoint
- Establish required billing and hierarchy information in Workday
- Work with PI on award setup actions
- Review award notice
- Create project plan
- Personnel position mapping
- Review terms and conditions
- Award folder structure and naming conventions
- Workday
- Account setup
- Understanding your notice of award
- Review award with PI
- Salary and wages
Manage subawards
Establishment of subawards, review and processing of invoices, monitoring of the award/account for needed modifications as well as for uniform guidance and FFATA compliance.
Research Operations
- Monitor for Uniform Guidance and FFATA compliance
- Review and route invoices to Accounts Payable
- Review and execute modifications
- Manage closeout
- Request new subawards
- Verify subaward accounts have been set up correctly
- Forward any subawardee invoices to AMT
- Prepare Award Change Request in ERA for subaward extensions or rebudgets
- Manage subawards
- Subawards
- Workday
- Post-award management – manage expenses
- Request new subaward
- Subrecipients vs vendor/contractor vs consultant
Monitor account
Review of award/account to ensure that expenditures are allowable under the terms and conditions of the award and are within the period of performance.
Research Operations
- Review unbilled accounts
- Perform F&A adjustments
- Review budget variances
- Perform deficit reviews
- Review monthly financials
- Perform project reconciliations
- F&A reconciliation
- Payroll
- P-card
- Forecast
- Account monitoring
- Unbilled accounts review job aid
- Post-award manageme – reconciliation
- Sponsored financial – F&A calculations
Manage change
Preparation and submission of Award Change Requests in ERA for review, sponsor approval where necessary and implementation of modifications.
Research Operations
- Review award change requests in ERA
- Take appropriate action based on type of request
- Assist with determining allowability;
- Submit change request to sponsor, where required
- Process change request in ERA/Workday
- Prepare, submit, and track Award Change Requests for needed award management actions including:
- Rebudget
- Foreign travel
- Carry forward approval
- No-cost extension
- Review award modification notices
Close out award
The final steps taken by units and Research Ops to ensure responsibilities to the sponsor of a given award are met.
Research Operations
- Prepare final F&A adjustments
- Remove F&A encumbrances
- Confirm final expenses
- Prepare final invoice/report
- Manage revenue shortfall
- Archive project documents
- Process final expenses
- Close open POs
- Update personnel position mapping
- Inform internal vendors
- Close p-cards
- Facilitate submission of final reports
- Closeout project
- Submit final invoice and reports
- Fiscal reconciliation job aid
- Workday
- Post-award management – closeout
Verification of programmatic or financial compliance with applicable terms and conditions which may occur at any stage from proposal to post-closeout.
Research Operations
- Serve as liaison to auditor
- Gather documentation for audit requests
- CAS exceptions
- Expense monitoring
- P-card reconciliations
- Payroll
At-risk request
A request for time and/or funding submitted prior to the award acceptance of during the project period while awaiting the next award amendment.
Research Operations
- Assess need and level of risk to institution
- Process approved award action
- Prepare, submit, and track requests
- Work with sponsor to obtain award modification documents, as needed
Cost sharing
Funding and tracking of the portion of the total project costs not being paid for by the sponsor but rather by ASU and/or third parties.
Research Operations
- Prepare reconciliation of cost sharing expenses
- Prepare internal report
- Provide copy of report to unit for tracking
- Create non-state cost share accounts
- Provide cost sharing reports to sponsor
- Assist PI in meeting cost sharing obligations
- Create state cost share accounts
Cost transfers
After the fact reallocations of a cost (expenditure) from one ASU account to another.
Research Operations
- Approve expense transfer requests
- Non-payroll cost transfers
- Payroll redistributions
- Create accounting adjustment/journal entries for financial expenses transfers
- Prepare, process, and track expense transfer requests
- Non-payroll cost transfers
- Payroll redistributions
- Cost transfers
- Reviewing and approving non-payroll cost transfer requests job aid
- Reviewing and approving sponsored projects payroll redistributions job aid
- Workday
- Cost transfer video
Expense advances
Cash advanced to a project for approved project expenses when after-the fact reimbursement is not possible.
Request review for allowability
Manage all expense processing of Workday Expense Reports
- Prepare and process expense advance closeout; gather required documentation
A bill received from a subrecipient, vendor or consultant requesting payment or a statement sent to a sponsor by ASU requesting reimbursement of expenses incurred for the award.
Research Operations
Generate and submit invoices to sponsoring agencies based on T&C
Serve as liaison to Research Operations
A bill received from a subrecipient, vendor or consultant requesting payment or a statement sent to a sponsor by ASU requesting reimbursement of expenses incurred for the award.
Hire and track project personnel:
- Manage position
- Mapping updates
- PRDs
- Post-award management – salary and wages
- PeopleSoft online training – intranet
- Create a courtesy affiliate
- Hiring and recruitment
- Promote, transfer, retire and terminate employees
- Processing payroll redistributions
- Review and approve time reported by employees
- Review, edit, and create position numbers
The review and implementation of allowable purchases to the award.
Research Operations
- Questionable Workday expense reports
- Vendor invoices and wire transfers that Accounts Payable sends
- Dollar amount > $5,000
- Questionable documentation/transactions
- Gift cards
- Unallowable/CAS exception object codes
Obtain needed documentation, approve, and track SunRISE orders
Prepare and approve Workday documents
Review for allowability and manage purchase of capital/non-capital equipment
Document CAS exceptions
Process Workday receivers
- Workday
- Sponsored projects allowability job aid
- Post-award management – goods and services
- Purchasing website
- P-Card terms/conditions and reconciliation worksheet
- Departmental grant P-cards and GRT dummy grant accounts
- Capital equipment
- Consultant and independent services
- Export controls
- Subrecipient vs vendor/contractor vs consultant
- Workday
Completion of sponsor reporting requirements, including financial, effort, and technical reports.
Research Operations
- After-The-Fact Review Report:
- Release reports to unit
- Monitor errors
- Troubleshoot errors with unit
- Training, as needed
- Financial Reporting:
- Generate and submit to sponsoring agencies based on T&C
- Non-fiscal/non-technical reporting
- IP
- Equipment
- After-The-Fact Review Report: Review, correct, and certify employees’ sponsored project effort
- Technical Report Monitoring: Work with PI to prepare and submit technical progress reports (periodic and final)
- Submit invoice
- Financial report submission and saving procedures job aid
- Submitting intellectual property reports job aid
- After-The-Fact Review Report
- Post-award management – closeout-retention
The review, approval and processing of allowable travel, both domestic and foreign.
Review and approve:
- Travel authorizations and expense reports
- Review for allowability and compliance with ASU policy and sponsor guidelines
- Ensure required documentation is included
- Post-award management – travel
- Export controls
- Foreign travel topical guide (Explains special regulations, such as the Fly America Act)
- Conducting business internationally
- Financial services travel guide
- Travel training