Home | Resources | Departmental Grant P-Cards and GRT Dummy Grant Accounts

Departmental grant p-cards

Purchasing cards (P-Cards) do not allow for the allocation of charges between grant and non-grant accounts within PaymentNet. P-Cards associated with a grant removes the need for cost transfers.

A departmental grant P-Card allows a unit to make purchases on a single card and then allocate purchases to the correct grant using PaymentNet’s allocation functionality prior to posting to Workday (WD). See Purchasing Card for detailed instructions.

A departmental grant P-Card is associated with a dummy grant in Workday. The dummy grant has a GRT prefix, does not exist in ERA and does not have a budget. It simply serves as a mechanism to allow units to request a departmental grant P-Card. All of the charges to this departmental grant P-Card must be allocated to grant accounts within PaymentNet as incurred. Units are required to provide an unrestricted program account number (IE: RID) as a guarantee. This number is added to the end of the GRT name and is the responsible account for the P-Card grant.

Any expenses that are not re-allocated timely in PaymentNet will post to the dummy grant and must be immediately transferred off. Monitor balances via the Workday report Expenditure Monitoring – PCard Grant Holding Account Balances. Large and/or re-occurring balances indicate that a review of departmental P-Card review processes is needed. Fiscal Oversight monitors charges to the departmental grant P-Card on a regular basis.

GRT dummy grant accounts

Units who wish to request a GRT dummy grant should submit a ticket in ServiceNow, which will be routed to the Workday Grants Administration team:

1. Log in to My ASU

2. Click on Service link on top banner. 

3. Click on Service Catalog.

4. Click on Financial Management System link under Categories on left side bar.

5. Click on FMS Support. The FMS Help/Support catalog item screen will appear.

6. Select Grants in the Request Type field. 

7. Enter the following information in the Description field:

Data ElementValue
Grant NamePCard Grant [Dept Acronym]
Grant HierarchyGRH####

Should be a level 2 or 3 grant hierarchy; the hierarchy should have other grant hierarchies or grant accounts assigned to it.

Charges can be allocated to any grant account attached below the designated grant hierarchy node
ActivityA1101 General Department Research/IIA/RID
CampusT, D, W or P
FundFD3003 Sponsored PCard Clearing
Cost CenterCC#### (responsible CC)
Responsible AccountPG##### (typically a RID acct)