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Frequently asked questions
What is the awards management mailbox? receives email correspondence from sponsors in regards to proposals, awards, and funding opportunities. Email correspondence can be received from ASU staff and faculty but most activity is from external sources. OAFs and inquiries should not be sent to this box. Instead send them to
What is the ORSPA Action Form?
The OAF is the ASU form used to request virtually any change that is needed on a sponsored award/account?
What are some examples of when an OAF should be used?
Common uses of an OAF are to request formal changes to the award due rebudgets, extensions and at-risk accounts.
What are acceptable methods of demonstrating PI/signer approval?
E-mail approvals are encouraged, which helps facilitate OAF submission as well as supports ASU’s commitment to sustainability. PDF scans of an OAF with wet signatures are also accepted. PDF signatures, signature stamps, and e-mails “on behalf of” are not accepted at this time.
What constitutes a good scientific justification?
One of the most common oversights that AMT sees on OAFs is the lack of a solid scientific justification. There needs to be a technical reason why a request supports the overall scope of work of the project. Think of the why, not just the what. Use the ERA Award Change Requests info for help.
What else goes to
Completed OAFs, responses to activation tasks currently in the queue, ERA-generated email approving setup of At-Risk Pre-Award account, or general inquiries about previously-activated tasks.
What information should be included when submitting inquiries to AMT?
Include the following information so AMT can properly respond in a timely manner:
- Proposal number, account number or coeus number
- Detailed explanation of issue
What are the cost accounting standards?
CAS is a set of 19 standards issued by the United States government to achieve uniformity and consistency in the cost accounting practices governing the measurement, assignment, and allocation of costs to contracts with the United States.
When is a CAS exception needed?
See the “CAS Guidance” page for guidance regarding how to evaluate and justify common CAS exceptions. The assigned AMT GCO can talk RAs/accountants through specific scenarios.
Should an OAF be completed when there is a change of allocations?
Ideally, allocations of recognition, Research Incentive Distribution and Investigator Incentive Awards should be final and correct before department reviewers approve a proposal. However, it is sometimes necessary to make changes once the award has been set up. In these cases, an OAF would be appropriate.
For additional information about steps to take, see the Manage Change work instructions WI-EP-130.
What should be done if there is a change in PI or other key personnel?
See WI-EP-130 for additional information and steps to making changes.