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Task assignment
Responsibility: ORSPA-PNT
Prepared by: PNT
Work Instruction Number: WI-SN-65
1. GCO workload manager(s) will review tasks in the “Unassigned” state in ERA Agreements against the Agreement Matrix. If the agreement should not be managed by an ORSPA team, the GCO workload manager will forward it to the appropriate ASU team. If the agreement is to be managed by ORSPA, the following steps will take place.
2. GCO workload manager(s) will verify the task is set up correctly and ERA proposal workspace, when needed or applicable for additional information.
3. GCO workload manager(s) will assign workload based on GCO workload and in accordance with the Pre-Award Responsibility Matrix below.
a. For the task to be assigned selecting “Assign Owner” under My Current Actions.
b. Selecting the “Grant and Contract Officer to be assigned:” by clicking the Select button and choosing the appropriate GCO from the list and clicking OK.
c. For incoming agreements, update the “No GCO Agreement Reviewer” Tab in ERA Grants with the assigned Agreement Reviewer and verify the state is “Agreement under Review.”
4. Once assigned, ERA Agreements tasks will move to the “Verification” state with the assigned GCO name in the GCO Agreement Reviewer field.
5. At the end of each work day, remaining Unassigned Agreement Task Requests will be assigned by the GCO workload manager(s).
6. Once a GCO has, or been, assigned a task, any reassignments should be minimized between GCOs, and between PNT and IAG, to ensure seamless support to faculty.
a. When a reassignment is needed, reassignments in ERA Agreements are made by selecting “Reassign Owner” for the task to be reassigned and clicking OK. This will move the task to the new owner’s inbox.
Pre-Award Responsibility Matrix
US Government, International Entities (except Industry), State, Local , City, Schools, Universities, Non-Profit Foundation or Non-Profit Company Collaboration Agreements (Funded and Unfunded) | Industry Collaboration & Master Agreements (Funded and Unfunded) |
Government, International Entities (except Industry), State, Local, City, Schools, Universities, Non-Profit Foundation or Non-Profit Company Flow-Through (including SBIR/STTR & GOALI) | Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CA/NDA/CDA) for the entire University & Skysong Innovations, LLC, except in cases where the agreement may be in support of a federal proposal opportunity, federal proposal opportunity teaming agreement, or federal sponsored project for which PNT is involved. |
Research Proposals to Government, International Entities (except Industry), Universities, State, Local, City, Schools, Universities, Non-Profit Foundation or Company | Research Proposals to Industry Sponsor, Public Utilities, Corporate Foundations |
Research Agreements from Government, International Entities (except Industry), Universities, State, Local, City, Schools, Universities, Non-Profit Foundation or Company* | Research Agreements from Industry Sponsor, Public Utilities, Corporate Foundations |
Consortium Membership Core Projects & Bylaws | Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) for entire university |
Specialized Opportunity Confidential Disclosure (CA/NDA/CDA) & Teaming Agreements | Consortium Membership Agreements/Industry Affiliates Agreements |
Data Use Agreements, Business Associate Agreements | eProject Proposals & Agreements |
All ASURE agreements regardless of type | |
External Sales | |
Subawards issued under Research Agreements from Government, International Entities (except Industry), Universities, State, Local, City, Schools, Universities, Non-Profit Foundation or Company* | Subawards issued under Industry Sponsor, Public Utilities, Corporate Foundation or Industry Collaboration Agreements. |
Modifications or Amendments to any of the above | Modifications or Amendments to any of the above |
*Includes Mayo, Banner, St. Joseph’s and Barrow Neurological Institute
In managing workload and customer service expectations, the PNT and IAG Managers are guided by the Pre-Award Responsibility Matrix above. PNT and IAG collaborate, coordinate or take the lead on an action that is outside this Responsibility Matrix. Additionally, regardless of the Matrix above, tasks may be assigned to either PNT or IAG by upper management for professional development or to address workload capacity issues. The PNT and IAG Workload managers will be notified when this occurs.