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Closeout and record retention



Closeout is the final step in the process and completes ASU’s responsibilities to the sponsor for a given award

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Record retention

Provides information about the importance of record retention for purposes such as audit, lawsuits, and investigations which may occur anytime before and after the life of an award

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ORSPA/unit roles 

Describes the responsibilities each team has in jointly bringing projects to a close

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Provides information about what internal controls are and their role in audits

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Work instructions

Closeout project

WI-CP-01  (Closeout project)
WI-CP-10  (Final invoice and reports)
WI-CP-20  (Close and archive accounts)


Budget reconciliation checklist. The checklist outlines the steps to reconciling a sponsored project budget.


509–03 Financially closing out fixed price agreements

509–04 Sponsored project agency/org deficit/account closeout

510–02 External audits and programmatic reviews

ERA award change requests

The award change request is an activity in ERA that users can run to initiate requests for award changes including No Cost Extensions, budget changes, etc.

Third party cost sharing certification. This form is to obtain required information from a third party that is contributing to cost sharing.

Topical guides


Program income

More information

Audit readiness

Cost sharing

Effort reporting


Job aids

Understanding your notice of award

Processing pre-award and post-award at-risk requests

Sponsored projects acronyms


2 CFR 200 (Uniform Guidance)

NIH Grants Policy Statement