Notification to subawards

Home | Process | Manage Subawards | Notification to subawards

Responsibility: ORSPA-PNT
Prepared by: PNT
Work Instruction Number: WI-MS-01

Types of subaward notifications

Notifications to Subawards

Assignment of Subaward Task

Types of subaward notifications

There are four types of subaward notifications:

  • New Award
    • ASU has received a prime award, which includes delegated money to a subrecipient.
    • ASU has received a prime award, which includes no carry forward funds and the Award Management Team (AMT) has established a new account.
  • Modification
    • A request for a change to an existing subaward has been issued. 
  • At Risk
    • ASU has not yet received funding in the form of a prime award, but the award is anticipated in the near future. 
  • Closeout
    • The subaward project has been completed.

Notifications to subawards

A request for a new subaward or modification to an existing subaward will be determined by the Principal Investigator (PI) (Reference WI-AS-10).

Subaward Tasks are received in two ways:

  • Subaward Task on the Subaward Task List.
  • Request to initiate a Subaward by Assistant Director (AD) or higher.  These requests are sent to the Subawards Mailbox ( and the AD will contact the Subaward GCO monitoring daily assignments.

Assignment of subaward task

Upon receipt of Subaward Tasks, the Subawards GCO monitoring the task list daily for activity will be assigned to a Subaward GCO for review/negotiation.

Subaward Task Assignments are assigned to GCOs on a first come, first serve basis.  Each Subaward GCO will be capped at a maximum of fifteen (15) subawards. This is a combination of new awards and modifications with the Status of “Initial/Pending” and “Subaward in Progress”.

If this cap is exceeded the AD will be contacted for direction by the Subaward GCO assigning tasks.  The subawards will then be assigned to GCOs at the AD’s discretion.