Home | Process | Define Opportunity | Review and Selection of Internal Proposals

Responsibility: Research Development
Prepared by: Research Development
Work Instruction Number: WI-DO-60

1. Research Development receives internal submissions via the ASU InfoReady Review portal.

2. All internal applications received on time will be reviewed for consideration.

3. If the number of applications received does not exceed the sponsor’s limitation, candidates will be advised that they may proceed with submission to the sponsor, and must complete all regular ASU approval processes.

4. If Research Development does not receive any applications by the internal deadline, completed internal applications submitted to ASU InfoReady Review will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

5. If more applications are received than can be submitted under the sponsor’s limitation, a review panel will be established. The review process is administered by Research Development acting on behalf of Knowledge Enterprise.

6. Selection(s) will be based on panel feedback.

7. Research Development will notify selected candidates by email.

8. Research Development will notify candidates not selected by email, who may request assistance from [email protected] in locating other potential funding opportunities.

9. If provided, Research Development will provide candidates with reviewers’ comments, however reviewers’ names will remain confidential.

10. Selected candidates must complete all regular internal approval processes for submission to the sponsor.