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Third-party supported collaborative research projects

Mayo Clinic’s extensive clinical experience combined with ASU’s recognized leadership in interdisciplinary research, advancements in biodesign, bioengineering and biotechnology provide the perfect setting for research exploration unlike any other. This combined experience has led to numerous third parties interested in supporting Mayo Clinic and ASU collaborative research projects. Additional time may be needed to arrange these collaborative research projects. Principal Investigators (PIs) are encouraged to begin early.

Research integrity and assurance

The inclusion of human subjects or animals in a collaborative or research project requires special reviews to ensure that they are treated ethically.

Human subjects

Most collaborative projects with Mayo Clinic involve human subjects and personal health information (PHI). For the majority of these studies, Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board (IRB) must serve as the “IRB of record.” This means that the Mayo Clinic IRB must complete a full review of a project prior to the PI completing IRB materials for ASU. It is best to start this process as early as possible as the Mayo Clinic IRB processes a high volume of applications and turnaround times may vary depending on the project.

Once IRB approval is obtained from Mayo Clinic, the ASU researcher should submit to ASU IRB in the ERA system with all approved documents from Mayo IRB in addition to ASU’s local contextual review form. Again, the timeline with ASU IRB varies and depends on the proposed study.

Accreditation information

  • Mayo Clinic is accredited by the AAHRPP, visit the AAHRPP website
  • ASU does not have AAHRPP accreditation

For more information, visit: Office of Research Integrity and Assurance – Humans


Animal work to be performed at Mayo Clinic locations by ASU PI’s must have a protocol reviewed and approved by the Mayo Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).   Once the protocol is approved, a copy of the protocol and approval should be provided to [email protected]

Animal work performed at ASU locations must have a protocol reviewed and approved by the ASU IACUC. Find protocol forms here.

For more information, visit: Office of Research Integrity and Assurance – Animals


How should joint research collaboration proposals be processed for submission?

ASU and Mayo Clinic faculty should use their standard institutional policies for review and submission, taking into consideration the above discussion on extended review times related to approval of protocols for human subjects and animals.

Do Facilities and Administrative costs apply to third-party supported collaborative research projects?

Yes, see the Facilities and Administrative Costs page for further detail

Can an ASU faculty member recruit participants at Mayo without engaging in a collaborative research project?

Mayo Clinic’s Solicitation and Distribution Policy prohibits solicitation as well as distribution of materials of any type on campus. Solicitation to participate in a study which is not being conducted at Mayo Clinic or in conjunction with a Mayo Clinic investigator, and distribution or posting of recruitment materials, would fall under this policy.However, Mayo Clinic health care providers may choose to share relevant, non-Mayo research information with their patients. This information should not be shared on a large scale or using Mayo Clinic resources and/or Mayo Clinic communication channels to do so.