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Institutional information for use in completing SF 424 forms
NOTE: To locate specific item(s) on this page, press CTRL+F to search.
Application information (SF 424)
Legal Name: AZ Board of Regents on behalf of Arizona State University
Department: ORSPA; Division: KE
P.O. Box 876011
Tempe, AZ 85287-6011
Application information contact (SF 424)
Ms. Heather C. Clark
Title: Assistant Vice President, Research Operations
PO Box 876011
Tempe, AZ 85287-6011
Phone: Assigned GCO#
Fax: 480-965-2455
Authorized representative (SF 424)
Name: Assigned GCO
Title: Grant and Contract Officer
Organization: AZ Board of Regents on behalf of Arizona State University
Department: ORSPA; Division: KE
PO Box 876011
Tempe, AZ 85287-6011
Phone: Assigned GCO #
Fax: 480-965-2455
Employer Identification Number (also called TIN or IRS number)
Entity Identification Number (for PHS Applications)
Federalwide Assurance Number
FWA00009102 See Research Integrity and Assurance site.
SF 424 – appears as ‘Human Subject Assurance Number,’ enter: 00009102 . Expiration: 1/7/2027
Lab Animal Welfare Assurance Number
D16-00136 (Old: A3217-01). Certification April 15, 2014.
Expires April 30, 2026
Performance site (SF424)
AZ Board of Regents on behalf of Arizona State University
P.O. Box 876011
Tempe, AZ 85287-6011
PI department may be included as Project Site Location 1 unique entity ID (UEI)
Type of applicant
Public/State Controlled Institution of Higher Education
U.S. Congressional representatives and districts (effective January 7, 2023)
Greg Stanton (D) (Tempe campus, District 4, AZ-004)*
Andy Biggs (R) (Polytechnic campus, District 5, AZ-005)
Abe Hamadeh (R) (West campus; District 8, AZ-008)
Yassamin Ansari (D) (Downtown Phoenix campus; District 3, AZ-003)
*Congressional District of Applicant
Additional institutional information
Research Operations business hours
Business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Closed on University holidays
General mailing address for Research Operations team members
For award notices, contracts, or checks, send to the address under Applicant Information Contact.
For all Research Operations staff (except Industry Agreements)
Staff member’s name
Arizona State University
KE-Research Operations
PO Box 876011
Tempe, AZ 85287-6011
For Industry Agreements staff
Staff member’s name
Arizona State University
Office of Industry and Research Operations
Skysong Building 1
1475 N. Scottsdale Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Electronic notices
Overnight courier address
Centerpoint, Suite 204
660 S. Mill Ave
Tempe, AZ 85281-3670
Authorized officials and points of contact
Authorized officials to sign grants, contracts, and agreements
Sally C. Morton, PhD, Executive Vice President, ASU Knowledge Enterprise
Heather C. Clark, Assistant Vice President, Research Operations
Debra Murphy, Director, KE Operations
Nicholas Petersen, Director, Post-Award Services
Jessica Robins, Director, Pre-Award Services
Kristy Macdonald, Associate Director, Research Integrity and Assurance
Nancy Henderson, Associate Director, Institutional Compliance and Regulatory Affairs
Sarah Gates, Assistant Director, Pre-Award Services – Sponsored Proposals
Authorized official to sign institutional certifications
Heather C. Clark, Assistant Vice President, Research Operations is the only individual authorized to sign Institutional Certifications
Authorized officials to sign proposals
Heather C. Clark, Assistant Vice President, Research Operations
Jessica Robins, Director, Pre-Award Services
Sarah Gates, Assistant Director, Sponsored Proposals
Pre-Award Grant and Contract Officers/Specialists
Contracting Grant and Contract Officers/Specialists
Financial or Business Office contact (for attachment)
Nicholas Petersen, Director, Research Operations – Post Award Services
Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Administration
Arizona State University
PO Box 876011
Tempe, AZ 85287-6011
Phone: 480-727-9458
Pre-award administrative contact
Heather C. Clark, Assistant Vice President, Research Operations
Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Administration
Arizona State University
PO Box 876011
Tempe, AZ 85287-6011
AAALACI (assessment and accreditation of laboratory animal care international)
Accreditation 07/15/2015
Arizona state vendor code for sponsored projects
Assurance for civil rights, handicapped individuals, sex and age discrimination compliance
Filed with HHS 9/9/93 (HHS Form 690, replaces forms 441, 639A, 641 and 680) and with NASA Lewis 12/29/00 (NASA form 1206).
ASU New Mexico Tax ID#
ASU contractor purchasing system confirmationletter
ASU state sales privilege tax ID #
Automated standard application for payments (ASAP) recipient identification number
Cage Code (commercial and government entity)
Expiration 2/28/2026
CCR- Central contractor registration
(Obsolete-See System for Award Management.)
Checks payable to organization name:
Arizona State University
Cognizant audit agency and auditor
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Cost Allocation Services, Western Field Office
90 7th St, Suite 4-600
San Francisco, CA 94103
Point of Contact: Jeanette Lu
Phone: 415-437-7831
Cognizant management agency
Office of Naval Research (ONR), San Diego Regional Office
Business Operations and Services
Acquisition Department University Business Affairs Division
Contract Administrator
Point of Contact: Cynthia Liles
Phone: 619-846-3771 Email:
Committee on national and community services number
CTEP code (cancer therapy evaluation program)
Directorate of defense trade controls (DDTC) registration number
A DDTC license is the export authorization from the US State Department for specific hardware items or technical data controlled by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), referred to as a defense article, to be exported to a specific country. … Registration is renewed annually.
M14525 expiration date 11/30/2025
Statement (DS-2) approval date
07/20/2017 (effective as of 12/26/2014)
DS-2 statement
(See ASU Cost Accounting Standards Board Disclosure Statement Form DS-2.)
EEO6 filed
Replaced by IPED Staff Survey, last EEO6 filed Spring 1993
Employment report on disabled veterans
Filed annually by AA office
Environmental protection agency vendor code
Establishment date
1885 (SAM entry can be used as support documentation)
European commission eurostat microdata
In addition to the Horizon 2020 projects, which are administered through the European Commission, ASU is now a recognized research entity. Using the ASU number, 2017/006/US, ASU researchers are qualified to submit proposal requests to receive EC data records for research purposes and team with EC researchers, upon approval of their Research Proposal. Both, ASU and Research Individuals, will be required to complete a Confidentiality Declaration, and it includes jurisdiction in Luxemburg for disputes mediation.
Eurostat Microdata ASU ApprovalLetter
Eurostat Microdata Application Instructions
European commission research pic # (for proposal submission)
Facilities clearance
Through Defense Security Service
Facility and administrative costs rates
These rates are negotiated with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
(See document.)
Federal demonstration partnership (fdp) clearinghouse
Federal region number
Fice code (federal interagency committee on education institution)
Institutional profile file number (ipf)
0488301 (box 9, DHHS/NIH Grant Application PHS 398)
Internal revenue service number
ASU ORSPA W-9 form
Contact the assigned Pre-Award or Contracting GCO, or email
IPED fall staff survey
1999, submitted 1/00
J-1 visa institutional designation number
Maricopa County f.i.d./vendor #
Militarily critical technical data agreement (MCTDA)
Expiration date 6/6/2023
Misconduct in science assurance
Filed 3/1/96
NAICS (North American industry classification system number)
Native American business licenses
Gila River Indian Community (GRIC) Business License
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC) Business License
Note: If a business license is needed with another Native American entity, please contact PNT at 480-965-1427
NSF organizational codes
ASU Tempe / Downtown Phoenix: 0010819000
ASU Polytechnic: 5300011389
ASU West: 0500704000
PHS financial conflict of interest
FDP FCOI Institutional Clearinghouse
ASU ORIA Financial Conflict of Interest Policy
PMSA (property management systems analysis)
Approval date 02/21/2024
(See document.)
Proposal submission
(See Proposal Information and Resources.)
ASU risk management insurance confirmation letter
(See ASU Insurance Page.) [NEEDS LINK TO LETTER]
SAM – System for Award Management
Registration active through 2/28/2026 (renewed annually).
(See System for Award Management.””)
Sponsor portal access
(See E-Business (RA) SharePoint.)
Standard industrial classification code (SIC)
State agency mail code
State agency vendor ID
State legislative district
Tax exemption status
Tax exempt institution per 26 U.S.C. 115
(See Office of General Counsel Tax Information.)
Telegraphic abbreviation
TIN (tax identification number) – also called employee identification or IRS number
USDA certification
Expiration 08/23/2022
USDA non-land grant college of agriculture (NLGCA) certification
(See document.)
Wire transfers to
Bank of America, Arizona
14636 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Standard ASU financial information
Standard ASU Financial Information will aid ASU staff in completing financial questionnaires and other template documents to confirm ASU’s financial soundness, adequacy of systems and internal controls (requires ASURITE login).