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To assist faculty/investigators who are leaving ASU with the appropriate steps to take related to the sponsored projects, including:
- Transferring the grant to the new institution
- Appointing an alternative ASU PI to assume leadership for the project
- Terminating the project
- Changes to investigators
- Other considerations prior to departing ASU
ASU – Arizona State University
PI – Principal Investigator
IRB – Institutional Review Board
IACUC – Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
IBC – Institutional Biosafety Committee
RCR – Responsible Conduct in Research
COI – Conflict of Interest
ORIA – Office of Research Integrity and Assurance
ERA – Enterprise Research Administration
RA – Research Advancement Administrator
ORSPA – Office of Research and Sponsored Project Administration
RSP – Research and Sponsored Projects
VSRIP – Voluntary Separation and Retirement Incentive Plan
For definitions, see acronyms and glossary.
- Run a Current and Pending Status Report using the Current and Pending Tool in the Enterprise Research Administration system. This report will include all active proposals and awards for which the investigator has been included as PI or other key personnel
- Meet with the investigator to review the projects to determine an option for each proposal and award
- Complete steps under the alternative selected for each sponsored project
- Review and take appropriate action on items noted in the “Checklist: Other Considerations for Departing Investigators” section of this page
For projects where the faculty/investigator is the PI
Transfer project to new institution
- Project transfers to new institution without subaward to ASU
- Project transfers to new institution with subaward to ASU
Appoint alternate ASU PI
- Project remains at ASU without subcontract to new institution
- Project remains at ASU with subaward to new institution
Terminate project at ASU
- Project will terminate to the end of the PI’s official appointment at ASU
Transfer project to new institution
Transfer to new institution without subaward to ASU
- PI will obtain written approval from the ASU Chair to relinquish the award
- Unit will contact sponsor’s program officer or administrative official to request instructions
- PI will choose a STOP spending date for project
- Unit will prepare an Award Change Request in ERA and include
- The information the sponsor requires
- Written confirmation from the unit chair to proceed with transfer
- PI/Unit will wait for sponsor approval to transfer the project as described
- PI will contact the new institutions unit or sponsored projects office to:
- notify of intentions
- obtain contact information
- provide it to ASU unit
- ASU unit will contact new institutions unit or sponsored projects office contact to share what the sponsor requires to make the transfer
- PI/unit will complete the transfer steps required by the sponsor and follow the steps to close out the account at ASU.
- PI will work with the new institution to submit any paperwork required of the new institution by the sponsor.
- If the sponsor declines the transfer, PI/Unit will proceed to close out the account.
Transfer to new institution with subaward to ASU
- PI and unit will follow steps in Transfer to New Institution without Subaward to ASU
- PI will obtain instructions from new institutions on information needed to issue a subaward to ASU
- PI and unit will follow the instructions for Create and Route a Funding Proposal
Institutional right to relinquish
Awards are made to the institution not to the PI. Before a PI can begin the transfer process to another institution, ASU must first agree to relinquish the award. Then sponsor approval and the new institution’s willingness to accept the project must be confirmed. In the event ASU does not agree to relinquish the award, an alternate PI may be an appropriate option.
Appoint alternate ASU PI
Appoint alternate ASU PI without subaward to new institution
- PI in conjunction with unit and/or AMT will determine from award terms and conditions whether sponsor approval is required. If unsure, PI will contact the sponsor to determine steps to take to effect the change in PI.
- Regardless of whether sponsor prior approval is required, unit will prepare an Award Change Request in ERA. The Award Change Request should include the following information:
- The information the sponsor requires
- The information required for
- Change of Key Personnel and where appropriate, Change of Scope
- PI/Unit will await approval from sponsor to implement the change in investigator.
- If approved, AMT will process the Change of PI request
- If not approved, PI/Unit will follow instructions from sponsor
Appoint alternate ASU PI with subaward to new institution
- PI will follow the steps in Appoint an Alternate ASU PI
- In addition, unit will request a new subaward request a new subaward be issued to the new institution using the instructions
Faculty retirement and emeritus status
The decision whether to allow a retired faculty member to serve as PI beyond their official separation date is made on a case-by-case basis. Some of the considerations include:
- Is the person in emeritus status? Those who have official emeritus status may serve as PI). Obtain a copy of the emeritus designation letter from the unit HR representative for inclusion in the ERA internal attachments docs.
- Is the individual retired but not in official emeritus status? The faculty member(s) may work on a sponsored project with the approval of the unit/school and college. They may NOT serve as PI.
Terminate project at ASU – no PI change
- Ensure that the investigator has a qualified to be PI appointment for as long as the project will continue.
- If the PI may only continue the project for the duration of his/her qualified appointment
- If the project extends beyond that date, the termination date must be brought back to the end date of appointment.
- Follow the Close Out Account Work Instructions.
For projects where the investigator is Co-I or other key personnel
- Discuss their departure with the PI of each grant they will be leaving.
- PI will choose from the following options
- Issue subaward
- A substantive portion of the work is done by the investigator and the PI wants him/her to continue at the institution.
- If a portion of the project will be transferred to the departing investigator’s new institution, follow the instructions for Changes to Key Personnel.
- A substantive portion of the work is done by the investigator and the PI wants him/her to continue at the institution.
- Remove investigator
- The investigator will not continue with the project: Remove the investigator from the award using the instructions for “Deletion of Personnel”, under Changes to Key Personnel.
- If a subaward is to be issued:
- Upon receipt of approval from sponsor, request a new subaward be issued to the new institution
- If sponsor declines the request, follow the Changes to Key Personnel, “Deletion of Personnel”, and any other instructions provided by the sponsor.
- If a subaward is to be issued:
- The investigator will not continue with the project: Remove the investigator from the award using the instructions for “Deletion of Personnel”, under Changes to Key Personnel.
- Issue subaward
Checklist: Other considerations for departing investigators
Students and staff
Will the graduate students/staff stay at ASU or follow to the new institution?
- If staying, arrange for a new mentor and transfer to new project
- If following, transfer the student(s) and hire the transferring staff at the new institution
Human subjects
See the departing investigator information on the Research Integrity and Assurance website.
See the departing investigator information on the Research Integrity and Assurance website.
See the departing investigator information on the Research Integrity and Assurance website.
Conflicts of interest
See the departing investigator information on the Research Integrity and Assurance website.
Export controls and security
See the departing investigator information on the Research Integrity and Assurance website.
Determine title to and disposition of equipment
- For ASU-owned research equipment being left at ASU
For equipment being relocated within the same unit, see PCS501. For equipment transfers between two units, see PCS502. - For ASU-owned research equipment transferring to a new institution
See PCS1004-02 - For research equipment to be taken by retired or exiting employees
See PCS 1009.
Intellectual property matters
Address intellectual property matters
- Patent applications/issued patents
- Co-inventions with other institutions
Contact AzTE for assistance at
- Submit any final patent reports to sponsors
Contact the assigned AMT GCO.
Other agreements
- No cost collaborations
- Equipment loan agreements
- Data use agreements
Data retention and management
See Research Data Management guidance provided by the Research Technology Office and ASU Library.
Record retention
Review the expenditure files for the project(s) worked on while at ASU to ensure
- all pending expenditures are completed prior to leaving ASU
- the unit has the all documentation required to support expenditures made on the account(s)
The record retention schedule can assist in determining the documentation retention dates required to comply with audit requirements.
RA should discuss circumstances with their immediate supervisor. If questions remain, contact