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Recharge Centers Information
Active recharge centers
RC Name | Unit Responsible | RC Coordinator | Internal Rate (Y/N) | External Rate (Y/N) | ||
Adaptive Intelligent Materials and Systems (AIMS) | SEMTE | Britton Breisch | Y | Y | ||
Arizona Center for Algae Technology (AzCATI) | SEBE | Jamie Rock | Y | Y | ||
Arizona Metabolomics Lab | CHS | Juan Beltran | Y | N | ||
Ask A Biologist | SOLS | Catherine Ashmead | Y | N | ||
ASU Ethnobotany and Environmental Anthropology Laboratory (EEA) | SHESC | Christopher Morehart | Y | Y | ||
BioKIC Services | SOLS | Catherine Ashmead | Y | Y | ||
Biostatics Core | CHS | Juan Beltran | Y | Y | ||
Biosurface Chemistry Facility | BDI | Ryan Given | Y | N | ||
Center for Assured and Scalable Data Engineering (CASCADE) | SCAI | Jayson Johnson | Y | Y | ||
Center for Digital Antiquity | SHESC | Christopher Nicholson | Y | Y | ||
Center for Health Information and Research | CHS | Juan Beltran | Y | Y | ||
Center for Viral Genomics (VIROME) | KE Biodesign | Efrem Lim | Y | Y | ||
College of Health Solutions and Clinical Translational Research – (CCTS) | CHS | Sabrina Maham | Y | Y | ||
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance lab | CLAS | Joshua Jeffs | Y | Y | ||
Computational and Experimental Mechanics Lab (CEM) | SSEBE | S.D. Rajan | Y | Y | ||
Consortium for Biosocial Complex Systems | EVPPO | Lyn Mowafy | Y | N | ||
Diamond Materials Lab (DML) | PHYSICS | Robert N. Nemanich | Y | Y | ||
Dryland Ecosystems | CLAS: SESE | Heather Throop | Y | Y | ||
Electroencephalography Lab | PSY | Chris Blais | Y | N | ||
Fatigue Lab | SEMTE | Mariah Kleijn | Y | N | ||
FSE – Structures Shop | ETS-EDO | Ricardo Reina | Y | Y | ||
Future H20-A | CLAS-SoLS | John Sabo | Y | Y | ||
GAO – Aircraft Data Acquisition | GDCS | Andrea Scott | Y | Y | ||
GEOPIG Analytical Laboratory | CLAS: SESE | Panjai Prapaipong | Y | Y | ||
Geospatial Research and Solution | GSUP | Shea Lemar | Y | Y | ||
Global Health Collaboratory | CONHI | Cindy White | Y | Y | ||
Graphics, Electronics and Computer Support Facility | SOMS | E-Jay Christopher | Y | N | ||
Greenhouse Lab | CLAS: SOLS | Kevin McGraw | Y | Y | ||
Health Promotion Research Facility | CHS | Juan Beltran | Y | Y | ||
Drone Studio | FSE – EDO | April MacCleary | Y | Y | ||
Innovation Hub | TPS | Kurt Paterson | Y | Y | ||
Innovation Studio | CHS | Juan Beltran | Y | N | ||
Institute for Social Research Focus/Observation Room (ISSR) | CLAS | Sherry Thurston | Y | N | ||
Interplanetary Initiative Lab (IIL) | KE | Juana Garcia | Y | Y | ||
KE Biosciences Pre‐Clinical Imaging (KEBPCI) | KE | Greg Turner | Y | Y | ||
Locust-Grasshopper Lab | CLAS: SOLS | Andrea Wullenweber | Y | Y | ||
Manufacturing Innovation Lab (MIL) | SEMTE | Leila Ladani | Y | Y | ||
Materials Characterization Facilities (MCF) | MSN | April MacCleary | Y | Y | ||
Media Services (MEDS) | EMH | Alisha Pendley | Y | N | ||
Micromachining Lab | CLAS: SESE | Chelsea Revella | Y | Y | ||
NanoSIMS Facility | CLAS: SESE | Maitrayee Bose | Y | Y | ||
Peptide Microarray Facility | BDI | Pattie Madjidi | Y | Y | ||
Project ECHO | CHS | Elisabeth Williams | Y | Y | ||
REACH Institute | PSY | Sharlene Wolchik | Y | Y | ||
Reef Restoration Facility | R2F | Andrea Scott | Y | Y | ||
SESE Plotter Large Format Printer | SESE | Susan Selkirk | Y | N | ||
SIMS Laboratory: Secondary Ion Mass Spec Lab | CLAS: SESE | Chelsea Revella | Y | N | ||
Software Hub | ETS-EDO | Denise Felsenthal | Y | N | ||
Spectranomics Project Development and Analysis | SPDA | Andrea Scott | Y | Y | ||
Sponsored Management Solutions and Support | KE: SMSS | Michelle Turner | Y* | Y | ||
Survey Information Management Services Unit | Center for Violence Prevention | David Choate | Y | N | ||
TherMotU Laboratory (TMU) | CLAS: SMS | Ziva Lackoff | Y | Y | ||
University Office of Evaluation and Education Effectiveness | EVPPO | Autumn Fuhrmark | Y | N | ||
Visualization Lab | CLAS: SOLS | Jacob Sahertian | Y | N |
*Rates approved for charitable and industry awards
Active recharge centers managed by core facilities
For assistance, contact
CF Domain/Rollup Assignment | RC Name | Internal Rate (Y/N) | External Rate (Y/N) | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | ASU Genomics Facility | Y | Y | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | Advanced Light Microscopy Facility | Y | Y | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | Bioinformatics Facility | Y | Y | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | DNA Shared Resource Facility | Y | Y | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | Flow Cytometry | Y | Y | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | Mass Spectrometry Facility | Y | Y | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | DNASU Core, Virginia G. Piper Biodesign | Y | Y | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | Nucleic Acid Programmable Protein Array | Y | Y | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | SARS-CoV-2 Lab | Y | Y | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | Magnetic Resonance Research Center | Y | Y | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | Ultra-Fast Laser | Y | Y | |
Biosciences and Biotechnology | Regenerative Medicine Core (RegenMed) | Y | Y | |
Advanced Electronics and Photonics | Advanced Electronics and Photonics | Y | Y | |
Chemical and Environmental Characterization | Center for Environmental Health Engineering (EHE) | Y | Y | |
Chemical and Environmental Characterization | Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Lab | Y | Y | |
Eyring Materials Center | Life Science Electron Microscopy | Y | Y | |
Eyring Materials Center | Center for High Resolution Electron Microscopy | Y | Y | |
Eyring Materials Center | Goldwater Materials Science Facility | Y | Y | |
Eyring Materials Center | Metals, Environment and Terrestrial Analytical Laboratory | Y | Y | |
Instrument Design and Fabrication | Electronic Shop | Y | Y | |
Instrument Design and Fabrication | Glassblowing Center | Y | Y | |
Instrument Design and Fabrication | Machine Shop | Y | Y | |
Instrument Design and Fabrication | Solar Fabrication | Y | Y | |
Nanofab | Nanofab | Y | Y | |
Other | College Research and Evaluation Services Team (CREST) | Y | Y | |
Research Computing | Research Computing | Y | Y | |
Research Computing | Scientific Software Engineering | Y | Y | |
Research Computing | ASRE: Arizona Secure Research Environment | Y | Y | |
Virtual Computing Services | IRE ASRE: Isolated Research Environment- Arizona Secure Research Environment | Y | Y |