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Active recharge centers

RC NameUnit ResponsibleRC CoordinatorInternal Rate (Y/N)External Rate (Y/N)
Adaptive Intelligent Materials and Systems (AIMS)SEMTEBritton BreischYY
Arizona Center for Algae Technology (AzCATI)SEBEJamie  RockYY
Arizona Metabolomics LabCHSJuan BeltranYN
Ask A BiologistSOLSCatherine AshmeadYN
ASU Ethnobotany and Environmental Anthropology Laboratory (EEA)SHESCChristopher MorehartYY
BioKIC ServicesSOLSCatherine AshmeadYY
Biostatics CoreCHSJuan BeltranYY
Biosurface Chemistry FacilityBDIRyan GivenYN
Center for Assured and Scalable Data Engineering (CASCADE)SCAIJayson JohnsonYY
Center for Digital AntiquitySHESCChristopher NicholsonYY
Center for Health Information and ResearchCHSJuan BeltranYY
Center for Viral Genomics (VIROME)KE BiodesignEfrem LimYY
College of Health Solutions and Clinical Translational Research – (CCTS)CHSSabrina MahamYY
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance labCLASJoshua JeffsYY
Computational and Experimental Mechanics Lab (CEM)SSEBES.D. RajanYY
Consortium for Biosocial Complex SystemsEVPPOLyn MowafyYY
Diamond Materials Lab (DML)PHYSICSRobert N. NemanichYY
Dryland  EcosystemsCLAS: SESEHeather ThroopYY
Electroencephalography LabPSYChris BlaisYN
Fatigue LabSEMTEMariah KleijnYN
FSE – Structures ShopETS-EDORicardo ReinaYY
Future H20-ACLAS-SoLSJohn SaboYY
GAO – Aircraft Data AcquisitionGDCSAndrea ScottYY
GEOPIG Analytical LaboratoryCLAS: SESEPanjai PrapaipongYY
Geospatial Research and SolutionGSUPShea LemarYY
Global Health CollaboratoryCONHICindy WhiteYY
Graphics, Electronics and Computer Support FacilitySOMSE-Jay ChristopherYN
Greenhouse LabCLAS: SOLSKevin McGrawYY
Health Promotion Research FacilityCHSJuan BeltranYY
Drone StudioFSE – EDOApril MacClearyYY
Innovation HubTPSKurt PatersonYY
Innovation StudioCHSJuan BeltranYN
Institute for Social Research Focus/Observation Room (ISSR)CLASSherry ThurstonYN
Interplanetary Initiative Lab (IIL)KEJuana GarciaYY
KE Biosciences Pre‐Clinical Imaging (KEBPCI)KEGreg Turner YY
Locust-Grasshopper LabCLAS: SOLSAndrea WullenweberYY
Manufacturing Innovation Lab (MIL)SEMTELeila LadaniYY
Materials Characterization Facilities (MCF)MSNApril MacClearyYY
Media Services (MEDS)EMHAlisha PendleyYN
Micromachining LabCLAS: SESEChelsea RevellaYY
NanoSIMS FacilityCLAS: SESEMaitrayee BoseYY
Peptide Microarray FacilityBDIPattie MadjidiYY
Project ECHOCHSElisabeth WilliamsYY
REACH InstitutePSYSharlene WolchikYY
Reef Restoration Facility R2FAndrea ScottYY
SESE Plotter Large Format PrinterSESESusan SelkirkYN
SIMS Laboratory: Secondary Ion Mass Spec LabCLAS: SESEChelsea RevellaYN
Software HubETS-EDODenise FelsenthalYN
Spectranomics Project Development and AnalysisSPDAAndrea ScottYY
Sponsored Management Solutions and SupportKE: SMSSLindsey ShapiroYY
Survey Information Management Services UnitCenter for Violence PreventionDavid ChoateYN
TherMotU Laboratory (TMU)CLAS: SMSZiva LackoffYY
University Office of Evaluation and Education EffectivenessEVPPOAutumn FuhrmarkYN
Visualization LabCLAS: SOLSJacob SahertianYN

*Rates approved for charitable and industry awards

Active recharge centers managed by core facilities

For assistance, contact [email protected] 

CF Domain/Rollup AssignmentRC NameInternal Rate (Y/N)External Rate (Y/N)
Biosciences and BiotechnologyASU Genomics FacilityYY
Biosciences and BiotechnologyAdvanced Light Microscopy FacilityYY
Biosciences and BiotechnologyBioinformatics FacilityYY
Biosciences and BiotechnologyDNA Shared Resource FacilityYY
Biosciences and BiotechnologyFlow CytometryYY
Biosciences and BiotechnologyMass Spectrometry FacilityYY
Biosciences and BiotechnologyDNASU Core, Virginia G. Piper BiodesignYY
Biosciences and BiotechnologyNucleic Acid Programmable Protein ArrayYY
Biosciences and BiotechnologySARS-CoV-2 LabYY
Biosciences and BiotechnologyMagnetic Resonance Research CenterYY
Biosciences and BiotechnologyUltra-Fast LaserYY
Biosciences and BiotechnologyRegenerative Medicine Core (RegenMed)YY
Advanced Electronics and PhotonicsAdvanced Electronics and PhotonicsYY
Chemical and Environmental CharacterizationCenter for Environmental Health Engineering (EHE)YY
Chemical and Environmental CharacterizationElectron Paramagnetic Resonance LabYY
Eyring Materials CenterLife Science Electron MicroscopyYY
Eyring Materials CenterCenter for High Resolution Electron MicroscopyYY
Eyring Materials CenterGoldwater Materials Science FacilityYY
Eyring Materials CenterMetals, Environment and Terrestrial Analytical LaboratoryYY
Instrument Design and FabricationElectronic ShopYY
Instrument Design and FabricationGlassblowing CenterYY
Instrument Design and FabricationMachine ShopYY
Instrument Design and FabricationSolar FabricationYY
OtherCollege Research and Evaluation Services Team (CREST)YY
Research ComputingResearch ComputingYY
Research ComputingScientific Software EngineeringYY
Research ComputingASRE: Arizona Secure Research Environment YY
Virtual Computing ServicesIRE ASRE: Isolated Research Environment- Arizona Secure Research EnvironmentYY