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Key regulations
OMB 2 CFR 200 (Uniform Guidance)
Facilities and administrative costs/fringe benefit negotiation agreement
Sponsored projects records retention schedule
Office of Management and Budget 2 CFR 200 (Uniform Guidance)
The Office of Management and Budget, working cooperatively with federal agencies and non-federal parties, establishes government-wide grants management policies and guidelines through circulars and common rules. These policies are adopted by each grant making agency and inserted into their federal regulations. See OMB 2 CFR 200 for more information.
Disclosure Statement (DS-2)
OMB 2 CFR 200.419 requires that educational institutions that receive aggregate sponsored agreements totaling $50 million or more during a fiscal year disclose their cost accounting practices by filing a Disclosure Statement (DS-2).
Please see ASU Cost Accounting Standards Board Disclosure Statement Form DS-2 (Revision 6).
Facilities and Administrative costs/fringe benefits negotiation agreement
The Facilities and administrative rates and fringe benefits rates which ASU charges to sponsored agreements are the result of a negotiated agreement with our cognizant agency, the Department of Health and Human Services. Please see the current F&A Rate Agreement.
Arizona Revised Statutes
As a state institution, ASU is required to comply with all Arizona Revised Statutes. All sponsored agreements and other legal commitments entered into by the University must be in compliance with these statutes.
Arizona Board of Regents
Because ASU is governed by the Arizona Board of Regents, it must also comply with ABOR regulations, as found in their policy manual when administering sponsored agreements.
ASU policies and procedures
ASU policies and procedures are organized into several manuals available from a single location online. These manuals are applicable university-wide. Generally, in the event of an inconsistency or conflict between sources of governing guidance, the most restrictive guidance is applied.
The Sponsored Projects Records Retention Schedule is maintained by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records under Schedule Number: 999-15-20.
Sponsor terms and conditions
In addition to complying with Federal, State (A.R.S.), ABOR and ASU policies, ASU must also adhere to sponsor policies.
Internal controls
Internal Controls comprise the plan of organization and all methods and measures designed to provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded, information (financial and other) is timely and reliable, and errors and irregularities are discovered and corrected promptly. Strong internal controls promote operational efficiency and effectiveness and encourage compliance with managerial policies, laws, regulations and sound fiduciary principles. Nearly all audit inquiries begin with an assessment of relevant internal controls and the strength thereof.
Additional resources
Fiscal Oversight has available the National Council of University Administrators published a Compendium of Regulations and Certifications Applicable to Sponsored Programs. The regulations and certifications are grouped as regulatory framework, anti discrimination, privacy, historic preservation, environmental protection, protection of the living, safety/security, data protection, employee directives, fraud/waste/abuse prevention, or other administrative requirements.