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Frequently asked questions
- If I have been approached by a domestic or foreign entity for an appointment (e.g., visiting, adjunct, honorarium), who should I discuss this with?
Please contact your research administrator so they can coordinate and facilitate with your departmental leadership and the Office of Research Integrity and Assurance.
Note: Your Dean’s Office needs to be aware of any proposed arrangement(s) before entering into any of them.
- Are there foreign activities, which should be disclosed to ASU and federal sponsors? Yes, those activities may include but are not limited to the following:
- Consultancy agreements
- Salary, living, lodging, research space or other reimbursements
- Travel funds
- Ownership in a foreign company
- Research collaboration (e.g. funded or unfunded) and/or affiliations
- If it has come to your attention that a disclosure needs to be made to ASU that hasn’t been previously reported, how should I manage disclosure at this time?
Contact to discuss how to best work through the best way to correct this omission or error
- If it has come to your attention that a disclosure needs to be made to a Sponsor that hasn’t been previously reported, how should I manage disclosure at this time?
Contact to discuss how to best work through the best way to correct this omission or error.
- I am working and/or collaborating with another institution – domestic or foreign? How do I disclose this to ASU?
This work is considered outside activity. For ASU, it is required to be disclosed through our COI process. Please contact
Dependent upon the Sponsor, regardless if funded or unfunded should be disclosed in current pending support, biosketches, other support, facilities, equipment and other resources documents, annual reports, fFinal reports, just-in-time, etc. Please work with your research advancement contact.
- Should foreign affiliations be included on my biosketch?
Yes, all affiliations – domestic and foreign – regardless if funded of unfunded, should be included on your biosketch.
- If I am contacted by a sponsor regarding a past or current foreign engagement, how should I respond?
Do not respond directly. These responses need to come from the Institution. Please contact and Assistant Vice President, Research Operations
- A sponsor – domestic or foreign – has requested information outside of what I am required to provide under an agreement; how should I respond?
Please contact your research administrator, so they can work with a contracts officer within ASU Office for Research and Sponsored Projects Administration.
- If I have/will have foreign visitors (scholars, engineers,scientists, students, etc.) visiting ASU now or in the near future, what actions do I need to take?
Please contact your research administrator so they can coordinate and facilitate with your departmental leadership and the Office of Research Integrity and Assurance.
- If a visiting scientist/scholar/student/engineer is visiting a laboratory more than a few days a week in an academic or in research capacity, should it be disclosed?
Yes, if they are using up your potential capacity as the PI/Co-I/researcher. - Do material transfer agreements need to be disclosed?
They do not need to be disclosed on your current and pending support as they are a tool to perform the activities. They should be referenced in the “Facilities” section of your proposal.
Questions should be directed to
Inquiries from external funding agencies related to international engagements or requests for institutional endorsements such as letters of support should be directed to Research Operations Assistant Vice President, Heather Clark at