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Global operations
ASU has as part of its charter and mission to be a global center for interdisciplinary research, discovery and development. In order to achieve this standing, ASU must deal with the complexities of doing business internationally, which can present challenges as it relates to contracting, operations, appropriate planning for expenses, etc. Also, there may be language and cultural barriers to overcome in order to negotiate and execute agreements.
Contact Global Operations for guidance in the event that a proposal includes risks noted on the Checklist of International Risk Considerations.
Global Operations also maintains up-to-date resources, policies and practices for international projects: Frequently Asked Questions About International Sponsored Projects.
Global Operations can help identify foreign legal, tax, employment, financial, procurement, and health and safety issues and deliver solutions to address them. To contact Global Operations, email
International visitors and sponsors
Special consideration must be taken for international visitors and sponsors that are hosted at Arizona State University:
- It is recommended that international visitors and sponsors contact the International Students and Scholars Center.
- Costs such as taxes on foreign visitors who are participants may need to be disclosed at proposal time.
- The correct tax information must be submitted for international students and scholars.
For guidance on topics such as contacting the immigration office, costs to consider, taxes and payments, and other considerations, please visit the Global Operations International Visitors and Sponsors Guide.
For international projects that involve topics such as taxes on scholars and traveling costs for international scholars, at the proposal stage please reach out to Global Ops at