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Award/account monitoring


Monitor expenses

Ongoing review of award/account to ensure that expenditures are allowable under the terms and conditions of the award and are within the period of performance

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Programmatic/administrative changes

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  • Changes to key personnel
  • Changes to the scope of work
  • Modifications/amendments
  • Cost sharing
  • No cost extentions
  • Transfer of sponsored projects into or out of ASU

Financial monitoring

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  • Additional funds
  • Additional pay
  • After-the-fact review report
  • Allowance pay
  • Allowable costs
  • At-risk request (post-award)
  • Carryover/carryforward
  • Cost transfers
  • Re-budgets

Work instructions

Execute project

WI-EP-10  (Initiate project)
WI-EP-30  (Letter of credit draw)
WI-EP-40  (Monitor and pursue collections)
WI-EP-45  (Cost sharing)
WI-EP-60  (Account monitoring – Unit)
WI-EP-70  (Account monitoring – ORSPA)
WI-EP-110 (Submit invoice and reporting)
WI-EP-130 (Manage change)
WI-EP-140 (Review change request)


Additional pay web form

Web form feature on RA SharePoint. Required for additional pay in excess of Institutional Base Salary (IBS) on a sponsored project.

ASU at-risk form

Used to request time and/or funding to continue work without interruption pending receipt of a modification on an incrementally funded project.

ASU invoice consortium template

For use with consortium memberships

Certification of Exception to Fly America Act

This form is a statement executed by the traveler justifying the use of a foreign flag air carrier for travel charged to a federally-funded sponsored project

Non-payroll cost transfer request (CTR) ORSPA 510 

Used to request non-payroll cost transfers

Departmental input receipt_spn

Used to deposit sponsored checks received at downtown, polytechnic, and west campus departments

Documenting interrelated projects form

ORSPA 320 is used for allocating costs between interrelated projects supported by multiple Federal awards

Investigator and / or allocation changes

Used to gather approvals for investigator/allocation changes on existing awards

New account application form

Used when requesting set up of a state-funded cost share companion account

New ERA unit request

Outlook email template for requesting the addition of a new unit to ERA

New ERA unit request

Word version of the template for requesting the addition of a new unit to ERA

Non-payroll cost transfer request (CTR) ORSPA 510

Form for requesting non-payroll cost transfers

 ERA award change requests

The Award Change Request is an activity in ERA that users can run to initiate requests for award changes including No cost extensions, budget changes, etc.

Subrecipient commitment form

A form used to obtain and document commitment from subrecipient


506–04 Guaranteeing delinquent sponsored projects agency/orgs

507–01 Sponsored project award changes

508–01 Charging direct and facilities and administrative costs to sponsored projects

509–02 Reports and deliverables from sponsored projects

Topical guides

Capital equipment



Foreign travel

Participant support costs

Program income

Subrecipient vs. vendor / contractor vs. consultant


After-the-fact review report

Audit readiness

Conducting business internationally

CAS (Cost Accounting Standards)

Cost sharing

Cost transfers

Facilities and administrative costs

Financial accountability


Working with ASU Foundation

Federal-wide research terms and conditions

Job aids and videos

Access award

Anatomy of an award notice

Sponsored projects allowability


Enterprise Research Administration (ERA) information

ERA proposals information

ERA awards information

ERA award change requests

ERA awards walkthrough (within the ERA training server)

ERA agreements information

 2 CFR 200 (uniform guidance)

NIH grants policy statement